Monday, July 28, 2008

Your City

Hello friends.

This week we're talking about changes in the modern world, especially in cities. Today's writing topic is to write about your city. Describe your hometown and discuss how it has changed in the past 20, 30, 40 years (as far back as you can go!). Have the changes been positive or negative? What do you think will happen to your city in the future?

How is your city different from Vancouver?

When you're finished, go to your classmates' blogs and read their writing. Leave some comments.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Ideal School

Hello friends.

Since we're talking about school and education this week, I thought I'd give you a chance to share your ideas about the way school should be. Here is your writing topic for today: What is your idea of the perfect school? What kind of courses will it offer? What will the building be like? How many students will it have?

Describe your school in detail, then go to your classmates' blogs and read their ideas. Leave some comments!

The links to everyone's blogs should be up very soon.


Monday, July 14, 2008

About a Movie

Hello friends.

Your writing topic today is to write about a movie you have seen from your country. In your writing, think about these questions:

1) Did you like the film? Why or why not?
2) What does the film say about your country and culture?
3) What do you know about the film industry in your country? Is it successful? Why or why not?
4) Are there are restrictions on what kinds of films can be made or shown in your country? Who makes these restrictions? Are they clearly written rules or just social guidelines most people follow?
5) What kind of films would you like to see made in your country?
