Friday, August 15, 2008

Fashion - The Everyday and the Extreme

Hello friends.

Next week we're talking about fashion, so my writing topic for you today is to write about your thoughts on both everyday and more extreme fashion.

First, search the internet for some photos of fashion that appeals to you, or doesn't appeal to you. Post the photos to your blog and write about them. Choose several examples of both everyday fashion and more extreme fashion.

Then comment on your classmates' blogs.


Friday, August 8, 2008

You're Invited!

To all Powerful Pre-Advanced students (past and

You're invited! happy hour drinks and tapas at Toratatsu Japanese Tapas Bistro on Denman Street just North of Robson. Follow the link to their website for more information and directions.

We'll meet there at 6:00 pm on Thursday, August 14. Please RSVP by Tuesday (Aug. 12) to let me know if you can come. Send me a text message or email, or leave a comment on the blog.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hello friends.

Next week we're discussing memory, and so your writing topic today is to write about your strategies for remembering things. How do you remember dates, appointments, names, and past events?

Share some experiences you have had remembering and forgetting things.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Do We Speak Different Languages?

Hello friends,

Today's topic is to explain and give examples of the way men and women speak in your languages.

Are there differences in their communication styles? How so?

Does your language make communication differences more or less noticeable than they are in English?

How can men and women work to overcome these differences and understand each other better?

Post your ideas on your blog, and comment on your classmates' writing.
