Friday, August 15, 2008

Fashion - The Everyday and the Extreme

Hello friends.

Next week we're talking about fashion, so my writing topic for you today is to write about your thoughts on both everyday and more extreme fashion.

First, search the internet for some photos of fashion that appeals to you, or doesn't appeal to you. Post the photos to your blog and write about them. Choose several examples of both everyday fashion and more extreme fashion.

Then comment on your classmates' blogs.


1 comment:

Erick said...

Hi Naomi!!! First I'd like to say that was a pressure study during one month with you as a teacher, I am very happy. Congratulations for the idea to teach using blog, it is very good and help as a develop a idea about the topic in class.

Now about the class, as I wrote in my blog, I don't mind if the cloths have a expensive tag or not, for me the must important is fell confortable and well.

Have a nice week :-)
See you;